Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Module |
Module |
'Army with a Country'? The Military and Militarism in Prusso-German History, 1640 - 1945 |
MO3712 |
Module |
'The German Hercules' - Martin Luther and Germany, 1517-2000 |
MO4910 |
Module |
1848: Revolutionary Age |
MO3318 |
Module |
A Graveyard of Empires? Afghanistan in the Twentieth Century |
MO3367 |
Module |
Approaches to Historical Theory |
MO3308 |
Module |
Approaches to Historical Theory |
MO5308 |
Module |
Approaches to the American Century |
MO4810 |
Module |
Art and Piety in Western Europe, 1400-1750 |
MO3026 |
Module |
Aspects of Reformation 1 |
MO5101 |
Module |
Aspects of Reformation 2 |
MO5102 |
Module |
Bismarck: Biography - Politics - Mythology |
MO4936 |
Module |
Blood, Glory, Judgement: Early Modern Catholicism |
MO4903 |
Module |
Books and Their Readers in Early Modern Europe |
MO5113 |
Module |
Britain and Iran in the Modern Era |
MO4850 |
Module |
Britain and its Empire in the Age of the Consumer Revolution, 1660-1820 |
MO4921 |
Module |
Britain in the 1920s and 1930s: Aspects of everyday life |
MO3461 |
Module |
Britain in the Era of the Great War |
MO3404 |
Module |
British Cinema History (1920-1960) |
MO4959 |
Module |
British Culture in the Eighteenth Century |
MO3263 |
Module |
Central and Eastern Europe since 1945 |
MO5515 |
Module |
Charles Darwin and the Politics of Progress |
MO4937 |
Module |
Charles Darwin and the Politics of Progress in the Natural World |
MO5935 |
Module |
China's Revolutions (1850-1989) |
MO3337 |
Module |
Civil War and Dictatorship in Spain, 1936-1959 |
MO4939 |
Module |
Class or Nation? Radical Politics in Twentieth Century Scotland |
MO4808 |
Module |
Colonizing Asia: An Economic Study of Colonialism in Asia and its Consequences |
MO3355 |
Module |
Constructing Identities: Scottish Historians and the Past, 1707-1832 |
MO3260 |
Module |
Crossing Borders: European History in Transnational Perspectives |
MO5710 |
Module |
Crown and Nobility in early modern Scotland |
MO3065 |
Module |
Culture and Mentalities in Early Modern England (c. 1500 - 1800) |
MO3041 |
Module |
Curiosity, Empire and Science in Eighteenth-Century Europe |
MO4968 |
Module |
De-colonising Asia (c. 1914-1975) |
MO3424 |
Module |
Dictatorship in Practice: Everyday Life in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Franco's Spain and the Stalinist Soviet Union |
MO3423 |
Module |
Directed Reading in Modern History |
MO5630 |
Module |
Directed Reading in Modern History |
MO5602 |
Module |
Directed Reading in Modern History 2 |
MO5609 |
Module |
Disease and Environment (c.1500 - c.2000) |
MO5024 |
Module |
Disease and Environment (c.1500 - c.2000) |
MO5224 |
Module |
Disease and the Environment (c. 1500 - 2000) |
MO3338 |
Module |
Disease, Medicine, and the Making of the Modern World, 1500 to Present |
MO3909 |
Module |
Dissertation for MLitt Programme/s |
MO5099 |
Module |
Documentary Film and History |
MO3391 |
Module |
Doing and Practicing Transnational and Global History in the Late Modern World |
MO3351 |
Module |
Early Colonial South Asia (c. 1700–1857) |
MO3223 |
Module |
Early Modern Documents and Sources |
MO5019 |
Module |
Early Modern Rome (1300-1667) |
MO3043 |
Module |
Early Modern Scotland in the age of British Unions (1603-1707) |
MO3162 |
Module |
Elizabethan England: Politics, Religion, and Personalities (1558 - 1603) |
MO4967 |
Module |
Empire and Nation: The Development of Colonial British America, 1607 - 1770 |
MO3025 |
Module |
Equality, Institutions and the Development of the Modern State |
MO4854 |
Module |
Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in Twentieth-Century Europe |
MO4965 |
Module |
France and Africa in the Twentieth Century: Colonialism, Anti-colonialism, Post-colonialism |
MO4962 |
Module |
France and the World, 1940 - 1995 |
MO4948 |
Module |
French Absolutism: Richelieu to Louis XIV |
MO4912 |
Module |
French Algeria, 1830-1962 |
MO3381 |
Module |
French Fancy and Cool Britannia? Franco-British Relations from the Seven Years' War to the French Revolution |
MO3222 |
Module |
From Allied Invasion to Coup d'Etat: Iran Between 1941 and 1953 |
MO3583 |
Module |
From Cradle To Grave: Living and Dying in Early Modern England (c.1500 - c.1800) |
MO3040 |
Module |
From the ‘People's War’ to ‘New’ Labour: British Politics after the Second World War |
MO3957 |
Module |
From World War 2 to Thermidor: Iran in the Short 20th Century |
MO3581 |
Module |
Gender and Sexuality in South Asia (1800s-2000s) |
MO3389 |
Module |
Global Times - Plural Spaces 1 |
MO5153 |
Module |
Global Times - Plural Spaces 2 |
MO5154 |
Module |
Hallmarks of Modern History |
MO5801 |
Module |
Historical Skills |
MO5012 |
Module |
History and Historians in Twentieth-Century Britain |
MO4947 |
Module |
History in the Making: Theories, Approaches and Practice 1 |
MO5625 |
Module |
History in the Making: Theories, Approaches and Practice 2 |
MO5626 |
Module |
History of Environmentalism: The Politics of Nature in the Western World (c. 1800 to Present) |
MO3314 |
Module |
History, Memory and Identity in Post-War Western Europe (1945-2005) |
MO3520 |
Module |
Holocaust and Denial in Europe |
MO3301 |
Module |
Imperial Russia, 1815-1917 |
MO3302 |
Module |
Imperialism and Nationalism: The British Empire in India 1857-1947 |
MO3320 |
Module |
Jihad, Community and Identity: Islamic political thought past and present |
MO3326 |
Module |
Key Issues in German Historiography |
MO5619 |
Module |
Law and Society in Scotland and its Empire, 1707-1914 |
MO4855 |
Module |
Making Economic History Count: Economic Analysis from a Historical Perspective |
MO3356 |
Module |
Making Italians: Region, nation and empire in Italy from Unification to Fascism |
MO3328 |
Module |
Making People's Music: Folk Music Revival and Society in the United States, 1900 - 1970 |
MO3421 |
Module |
Mapping Modern Europe: Spatial Perspectives on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries |
MO4961 |
Module |
Mary, Queen of Scots, France, England and Ireland |
MO4807 |
Module |
Media and Politics in Modern Britain, 1850-1939 |
MO3319 |
Module |
Mediterranean Colonialism: Colonisers and Colonised in France, Spain, Italy and North Africa 1890s-1950s |
MO3336 |
Module |
Microhistories of a Global Nation: Scotland, c.1707– c.1843 |
MO3264 |
Module |
Migrant South Asia (c. 17th-20th centuries) |
MO3352 |
Module |
MO3280 Persia in the 18th Century, 1722-1834 |
MO3280 |
Module |
Modern India: From Empire to Republic (1917 - 1950) |
MO4949 |
Module |
Modern Iran from 1834-1941: Enlightenment, Nationalism and Revolution |
MO3385 |
Module |
Nationalism and Unionism in Modern Scotland |
MO3365 |
Module |
Nationalism and Unionism in Modern Scotland |
MO3761 |
Module |
Nature and Society in Victorian Britain |
MO3334 |
Module |
Nomadic Heritage and Persianate Culture: the Iranian world from Timurids to the Safavids (1370-1722) |
MO3080 |
Module |
Palaeography and Manuscript Studies |
MO5033 |
Module |
Palaeography and Manuscript Studies |
MO5022 |
Module |
Perceptions of Central and Eastern Europe |
MO5623 |
Module |
Persia in the 18th Century - 1722-1834 (The Age of the Warlords) |
MO3215 |
Module |
Picturing Politics and Society in Early Modern England: Images of Power and Corruption from Van Dyck to Gillray c.1630 - c.1800 |
MO3034 |
Module |
Politics, Culture and Society in the French Revolution (1789-1815) |
MO3346 |
Module |
Popular Culture, Nation and Society: Leisure in Britain 1880-1960 |
MO3516 |
Module |
Popular Music, Culture and Society: The United States and Britain, 1955-1980 |
MO3524 |
Module |
Postcolonial Europe: Empire and its Legacies in Western Europe since 1945 |
MO3523 |
Module |
Print Culture in Britain (1750-1900) |
MO3345 |
Module |
Print, Progress and Public opinion. Towards a New History of Print Culture in Early Modern Europe |
MO4975 |
Module |
Progress and Reform: The United States, 1880 - 1930 |
MO4938 |
Module |
Rebellion, Regicide and Revolution: The English Civil Wars and Interregnum |
MO4915 |
Module |
Renaissance Information Technology and Print Culture |
MO3037 |
Module |
Restoration, Revolution, Union and Rebellion: Scotland 1660–c.1760 |
MO3914 |
Module |
Rethinking the World in East Asia 1850s-1990s |
MO3354 |
Module |
Revolutions and Empires |
MO4970 |
Module |
Russia - Real and Imagined: Ideas, Identity, and Culture (1800-2000) |
MO3321 |
Module |
Russians Making History, 1755-2000 |
MO4932 |
Module |
Saints and Martyrs in Early Modern Europe |
MO4913 |
Module |
Science and Nation-Building in Europe, 1750 - 1900 |
MO3216 |
Module |
Scotland and the Pacific World, 1788–1914 |
MO3392 |
Module |
Scotland, Britain and Empire (c. 1700 - 2000) |
MO2008 |
Module |
Skills in Digital History: Maps and Text |
MO5162 |
Module |
Slavery and Capitalism in the United States |
MO3110 |
Module |
Society and Religious Change in Sixteenth-Century France |
MO5006 |
Module |
Spatial Histories of Modern East and Southeast Asia |
MO4971 |
Module |
Stalinism, Nazism and Central Europe (1912 - 1941) |
MO3425 |
Module |
Stuart Rule and Revolution (1603-1689) |
MO3113 |
Module |
Thatcherism, the 'New Right', and the Remaking of British Politics, c. 1940-1997 |
MO3561 |
Module |
The 1960s: an International Perspective |
MO5607 |
Module |
The Age of Atlantic Revolutions |
MO3057 |
Module |
The American Constitution: Past and Present |
MO3715 |
Module |
The American Constitution: Past and Present |
MO3350 |
Module |
The American Metropolis |
MO3349 |
Module |
The American Revolution |
MO3218 |
Module |
The Asian Economic Miracle: Industrialization and Globalization |
MO3388 |
Module |
The British Town in the Long Eighteenth Century |
MO4974 |
Module |
The Decline and Fall of the French Old Regime (1715-1789) |
MO3214 |
Module |
The Decline of Spain 1556 - 1700 |
MO3035 |
Module |
The Diplomatic Prelude to the Second World War |
MO4944 |
Module |
The Dutch Golden Age: Power, Culture and Society in the Seventeenth Century |
MO3056 |
Module |
The Early Modern Western World (c. 1450 - c. 1770) |
MO1007 |
Module |
The Early Modern Western World (c. 1450 - c. 1770) |
MO1902 |
Module |
The Early Reformation in Europe, 1517-55 |
MO3005 |
Module |
The Enlightenment and the World |
MO3220 |
Module |
The Evolution of British Democracy, 1832-1918 |
MO3309 |
Module |
The French 'Civil Wars' of the Twentieth Century |
MO3419 |
Module |
The German Enlightenment in European Perspectives |
MO4914 |
Module |
The History of History in East Asia |
MO3055 |
Module |
The Iranian Revolution and the Genesis of the Islamic Republic, 1977-1981 |
MO4856 |
Module |
The Italian Renaissance |
MO3036 |
Module |
The Japanese Empire and its Aftermath (1873 - 1952) |
MO3335 |
Module |
The Kaiser: Aspects of Emperor Wilhelm II (1859 - 1941) |
MO3329 |
Module |
The Kennedy Years |
MO4952 |
Module |
The Library, a Fragile History |
MO3052 |
Module |
The life and times of the Atom Bomb |
MO4514 |
Module |
The Mental World of the Individual and the Collective in England, 1550-1800 |
MO3015 |
Module |
The Northern Renaissance |
MO3029 |
Module |
The Northern World, 1523-1725 |
MO3050 |
Module |
The Ottoman Empire 1300 - 1700 |
MO3081 |
Module |
The Politics of Monarchy in Tudor and Stuart England |
MO3045 |
Module |
The Power of Persuasion: Propaganda in Renaissance and Reformation Scotland |
MO3053 |
Module |
The Reformation in Europe |
MO3910 |
Module |
The Restoration Worlds of Samuel Pepys |
MO3111 |
Module |
The Rise of Prussia, 1600-1786 |
MO3103 |
Module |
The Rise of the Nation State in Central Europe (1912-1941) |
MO3353 |
Module |
The Soviet Union |
MO3406 |
Module |
The Soviet Union, 1917-1991 |
MO5402 |
Module |
The Third Reich: History and Historiography |
MO3410 |
Module |
The Transformation of the European Nobility 1600-1800 |
MO3104 |
Module |
The Tudors: Power and Piety in Sixteenth-Century England |
MO3047 |
Module |
The United States in Depression and War |
MO3422 |
Module |
The United States in the Cold WarThe United States in the Cold War and the Cold War in the United States |
MO3359 |
Module |
The Victorians: Religion and Respectability |
MO3331 |
Module |
Themes and Debates in Early Modern History 2 |
MO5054 |
Module |
Themes and Debates in Early Modern History 1 |
MO5053 |
Module |
Themes and Debates in Modern French History |
MO5608 |
Module |
Themes and Debates on War and Modern History |
MO5603 |
Module |
Themes in American History |
MO5620 |
Module |
Themes in Late Modern History (c. 1776–2001) |
MO1008 |
Module |
Themes in Russian 19th and 20th Century Intellectual History |
MO5610 |
Module |
Topics in Renaissance Venice |
MO3044 |
Module |
Travel Cultures in Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries |
MO3217 |
Module |
Twentieth-Century Germany: A Sense of Place |
MO4973 |
Module |
Under a Bright Red Star: Iranian Marxism in the 20th Century |
MO4853 |
Module |
Understanding Resistance and Protest in Modern India (c.19th - 21st centuries) |
MO4972 |
Module |
Walking Early Modern Europe |
MO3054 |
Module |
War and the French Empire, 1940-1945 |
MO3426 |
Module |
War and the State in the Era of the "Military Revolution" (1550-1730) |
MO3038 |
Module |
War and Welfare: Britain 1939-1951 |
MO3502 |
Module |
Witches and Witch-hunting in Early Modern Europe |
MO3048 |
Module |
Women and Men in Europe, 1500-1800 |
MO3027 |
Module |