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'A Century of Iron': Rulers, Warriors and Scholars in Tenth-Century England and Germany ME4712 Module
'In a Dark Wood Wandering': War, Plague, and Society in Valois France, 1328-1422 ME3242 Module
Age of Conquest: Edward I, Scotland and Wales (1239-1307) ME3304 Module
An Introduction to Palaeography with Codicological and Manuscript Studies ME5005 Module
An Introduction to Palaeography with Codicological and Manuscript Studies 1 ME5107 Module
An Introduction to Palaeography with Codicological and Manuscript Studies 2 ME5108 Module
Arabs, Persians and Turks in the Early Islamic East in the Age of the Caliphates (600 - 1200) ME3613 Module
Archaeological Methods ME3105 Module
Art and Orthodoxy in Byzantium ME4801 Module
Bannockburn : War and National Identity in Late Mediaeval Europe ME3311 Module
Britons and Saxons, c. 570 - 822 ME3101 Module
Byzantium and the West 800-1118 ME3202 Module
Christians, Muslims and Jews in Mediaeval Spain ME3201 Module
Conflict and Cohabitation: Northern Britain c. 550–750 ME4750 Module
Conquest and Community : The British Isles in the Age of Edward I (1239-1307) ME4754 Module
Courtroom Dramas: Literature, Law and Lordship ME3407 Module
Crusaders, Mongols and Mamluks: West and East in the Mid-Thirteenth Century ME4855 Module
Culture and Society in the Icelandic Commonwealth ca 870 - 1262 ME3221 Module
Death and the Afterlife in Later Medieval Europe ME3428 Module
Dissertation for MLitt Programme/s ME5099 Module
Early English Society c.600-850 ME3019 Module
Early Irish Society (c. 600-800) ME3313 Module
Eastern Approaches: Early Mediaeval Armenia c. 500 - 750 ME3229 Module
Eastern Approaches: Early Mediaeval Armenia c.500-750 ME3608 Module
End of the Middle Ages? Scotland and England in the Fifteenth Century ME3014 Module
England and France at War in the Fourteenth Century ME3429 Module
France from Philip Augustus to Philip the Fair, c.1180-1315 ME4815 Module
From Leo VI to Basil II: Byzantium in the Tenth Century ME4852 Module
Gendered Lives: Men and Women in the Later Middle Ages ME4758 Module
Gildas and the Ruin of Britain, c. 467-570 ME3102 Module
Henry I: Perceptions and Practice of Kingship in Anglo-Norman England ME4701 Module
Heralds, Heraldry and History: Late Mediaeval Heraldic Studies ME3015 Module
Heroic History: The Age of Beowulf ME3012 Module
Holy Lives in Late Antiquity ME3238 Module
Ideas on Nature and Animals in the Middle Ages ME3414 Module
Inca Civilisation and its Destruction ME3222 Module
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Middle Ages ME3206 Module
Introduction to Early Medieval Europe, 400-1000 (Evening degree programme) ME2901 Module
Iran from the Sasanids to the Samanids (224-1003) ME4814 Module
Ireland in the Later Middle Ages: Nations and Conflicts ME3016 Module
Italian City States: From Communes to Signorie c. 1000-c. 1350 ME3214 Module
Justifying Mediaeval Warfare ME3423 Module
Legal Cultures in Late Antiquity ME3237 Module
Legend and History in Sub-Roman Britain ME3224 Module
Mediaeval Apocalyptic Traditions 400 - 1200 ME3231 Module
Mediaeval Rome c.590-c.1300 ME3103 Module
Mediaeval St Andrews ME3309 Module
Medieval Europe (11th - 15th c.) ME2003 Module
Missionaries, Assassins and State-builders: Militant Shi‘ism in the Mediaeval Muslim World ME3616 Module
Monks and Nuns, Saints and Nobles: Germany in the High Middle Ages ME4757 Module
Nature and the Occult in the Late Middle Ages ME3427 Module
Normans, Natives and Norsemen: Scotland c.1050-1250 ME3906 Module
Pandemic, Medicine and Society in the Early Middle Ages ME3240 Module
Past and Present in Mediaeval Wales ME4709 Module
Queens and Queenship in Early Mediaeval Europe ME3232 Module
Rich and Poor in the Later Middle Ages ME3420 Module
Robert Bruce and Edward II: Kings, Nobles and Communities in the British Isles (1306-1346) ME4752 Module
Senses and Feelings in the Later Middle Ages ME3431 Module
Sex and Gender in Medieval Europe ME3241 Module
Sources and Source Criticism (20) ME5012 Module
Sources and Source Criticism (40) ME5002 Module
Sources and Source Criticism 1 ME5208 Module
Sources and Source Criticism 2 ME5209 Module
Special Topic in Mediaeval History ME5001 Module
The Age of Charlemagne, c. 750-830 ME4806 Module
The Black Death and the Peasants' Revolt in England ME3408 Module
The Castle in Mediaeval Scotland (1100 - 1550) ME3142 Module
The Chastising Church: Excommunication, Public Penance and Interdict in the High Middle Ages ME3020 Module
The Crusades viewed from the other side: Muslim perspectives ME3602 Module
The Cult of Saints ME4713 Module
The Devil's Brood: Power and Authority in High Medieval England ME3432 Module
The Early Mendicants: Francis, Clare and Dominic, c. 1180-c. 1270 ME4807 Module
The Eastern Roman Empire in the Reign of Justinian (527–565) ME3611 Module
The End of the Middle Ages? Scotland and England in the Fifteenth Century ME3301 Module
The Fall of Rome and the Origins of Europe (400-1000) ME1003 Module
The Fourth Crusade ME4803 Module
The History and Archaeology of Early Monasticism ME3106 Module
The Imperial City: Byzantine and Ottoman Constantinople ME3163 Module
The Kingdom of the Scots, c.900-1707 ME1006 Module
The Mamluks and the Mamluk Sultanate ME3617 Module
The Mediaeval Castle ME3162 Module
The Medieval Book ME3502 Module
The Medieval British Isles, 1100-1500 ME1901 Module
The Medieval Landscape and Environment ME3433 Module
The Merovingian World ME4813 Module
The Mongol Empire and the Islamic World ME4857 Module
The Mongols and the West ME3230 Module
The Near East in the Age of Justinian and Muhammad, c.527-700 ME3228 Module
The Ottoman Empire from Mediaeval Anatolia to Suleyman the Magnificent ME3610 Module
The Papal Monarchy: Popes, Emperors and Kings in the High Middle Ages ME3430 Module
The Princess Historian: Anna Comnena ME3204 Module
The Rise and Fall of the Carolingian Empire, c.750-900 ME3223 Module
The Western Just War Tradition: Ethics, Laws, and Practices of War from Antiquity to the Renaissance ME4816 Module
Times of trouble: civil conflicts in the later fifteenth century ME3314 Module
Women and Gender in the Later Middle Ages ME3426 Module

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