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'Loose Baggy Monsters': The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Novel EN3165 Module
American Fiction 1950-2000: Postmodernism and Beyond EN4437 Module
American Fiction: Self and Nation, 1865 - 1939 EN4419 Module
American Poetry since 1950 EN4418 Module
An Introduction to Irish Literature EN4412 Module
Approaches to Fiction EN3902 Module
Arthurian Legend and Middle English Romance EN4313 Module
Aspects of Modern Fiction EN3206 Module
Aspects of Modern Poetry EN3204 Module
Atomic Cultures: Anglophone Writing and the Global Cold War EN3215 Module
Authorising English: Society, Gender and Religion in late Mediaeval English Literature EN4312 Module
Beowulf EN3111 Module
Black and Asian British Writing EN4433 Module
Bodies and Selves in the Renaissance EN4348 Module
Caribbean Literature EN4436 Module
Celtic Modernisms EN4425 Module
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales EN3112 Module
Civil Wars on Page and Screen EN4426 Module
Comedy in English Literature EN2901 Module
Contemporary British and Irish Theatre EN3207 Module
Contemporary Fiction EN4406 Module
Contemporary Literature and Culture EN5514 Module
Contemporary Poetry in Great Britain and Ireland EN4405 Module
Contemporary World Literatures EN4424 Module
Contextualising the Modern EN5503 Module
Courtly Literature in Middle English EN4316 Module
Crime and Passion in Popular Culture 1: To 1900 EN3904 Module
Crime and Passion in Popular Culture 2: Since 1900 EN3905 Module
Culture and Conflict: An Introduction to Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature EN1003 Module
Culture and Society in Modern Scotland EN3211 Module
D.H. Lawrence EN4411 Module
Dissertation for MLitt Programme/s EN5099 Module
Dissertation in English EN4399 Module
Diversifying Old English Literature EN4317 Module
Drama: Reading and Performance EN2004 Module
Early English Romance Comedy: Shakespeare and his Contemporaries EN4344 Module
Explorers and Revolutionaries: Literature 1680-1830 EN1004 Module
Green and Pleasant: Landscape and Later Medieval Literature EN4319 Module
Hard Cases: Literary Complexity from Donne to Pope EN4345 Module
Imagining Ireland: Forging the Nation EN4428 Module
J R R Tolkien EN4421 Module
Joint Dissertation (30cr) EN4794 Module
Labour, leisure and luxury in British and transatlantic literature of the eighteenth century EN4372 Module
Learned Culture: Rhetoric, Politics, Identity EN5308 Module
Life, Text, Afterlife EN5200 Module
Literary Cultures EN5208 Module
Literary History, Politics, Culture EN5204 Module
Literary Research: Skills and Resources EN5100 Module
Literary Theory EN3201 Module
Literature and Childhood in the Eighteenth Century EN4365 Module
Literature and Culture of Sport EN4434 Module
Literature and Ecology EN3202 Module
Literature and History EN5207 Module
Literature and Human Rights EN4438 Module
Literature and Law in Early Modern England EN4343 Module
Literature, Nature and Science in Early Modern England EN4353 Module
Lives and Texts EN5205 Module
Making Performance EN4430 Module
Material Culture in Victorian and Modernist Fiction EN4373 Module
Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts EN2003 Module
Medieval Literature in Context 2 EN5046 Module
Medieval Literature in Context I EN5045 Module
Milton EN4347 Module
Mind, Body and Soul: Literature in the Enlightenment EN4362 Module
Modern American Drama EN4409 Module
Modern Experimental Poetry EN3216 Module
Modern Shakespeares EN5033 Module
Modernist Literature: Making It New? EN3212 Module
Northern Romantics, Northern Victorians EN5203 Module
Old English EN5020 Module
Old English Afterlives: Literary Anglo-Saxonism EN4314 Module
Old English Poetry: Lordship and Landscapes EN4311 Module
Older Scots Literature to 1560 EN3113 Module
Playwriting EN4500 Module
Poetic Language EN4422 Module
Postcolonial Literature and Theory EN3213 Module
Queer It! Introducing Queer Theory and Literature EN3220 Module
Read all about it! Victorian Literature and the Press EN4368 Module
Reading English EN1901 Module
Reading Old English EN3114 Module
Reading Popular Music EN3219 Module
Reading the 1940s EN4413 Module
Reading the Mediaeval Text EN5019 Module
Reading the Modern EN5504 Module
Renaissance Literature: Texts and Contexts EN3142 Module
Renaissance Popular Culture EN5307 Module
Renaissance Sexualities: Rhetoric and the Body 1580-1660 EN4341 Module
Research Skills for Creative Writing EN5101 Module
Restoration Drama in Context EN4342 Module
Revolution and Romanticism: Literature, History and Society, 1789-1805 EN3162 Module
Romantic Gothic EN4367 Module
Romantic Studies EN5201 Module
Romantic Writing and Women EN4363 Module
Science Fiction EN4408 Module
Scottish Fiction EN3209 Module
Shakespeare and Film EN4404 Module
Shakespeare and Race EN3144 Module
Shakespeare and Textual Culture EN5306 Module
Shakespeare and the Beginnings of English Citizen Comedy EN3143 Module
Shakespeare and the English Renaissance EN5031 Module
Short Dissertation EN4398 Module
Special Topic in English Studies 2 EN5402 Module
Special Topic in Mediaeval Literature EN5016 Module
Speeches and Speechwriting: History, Theory and Practice EN4402 Module
T. S. Eliot EN4415 Module
Texts and Afterlives EN5206 Module
The Art of Victorian Poetry EN4364 Module
The Country and the City in Scottish Literature EN3214 Module
The Development of the Novel to 1840 EN3161 Module
The Early Tudors: Literature and Reformation EN4346 Module
The Golden Age of Chivalry? Arthurian Ideals in Middle English Romance EN4318 Module
The Historical Novel EN3203 Module
The Novels of Jane Austen in Context EN4361 Module
The Queen's English: Language, Literature, and Politics in the Victorian Period EN4374 Module
The Reception of Shakespeare 1660-1900 EN5032 Module
The Shape of the Poem EN4427 Module
The Social Network: Literary Communities in Seventeenth-Century England EN4352 Module
The Worlds of Renaissance Literature EN5305 Module
The Younger Romantics: Poetry and Prose (1810-1830) EN3163 Module
Theories and Contexts 1 EN5119 Module
Theories and Contexts 2 EN5120 Module
Theorising the Contemporary EN5513 Module
Thomas Hardy EN4414 Module
Tragedy in the Age of Shakespeare EN3141 Module
Translating the Renaissance: England and Europe in the Age of Shakespeare EN4351 Module
Twentieth-Century American Drama EN3210 Module
Twentieth-Century Crime Fiction: Gender and Genre EN4407 Module
Victorian Literature and Science EN4369 Module
Victorian Poetry’s Voices EN3166 Module
Victorian Studies EN5202 Module
Virginia Woolf EN4416 Module
Voicing America: Colonisation to Civil War EN4370 Module
Women and Authorship in Renaissance England EN4350 Module
Women, Writing and Gender 1: Renaissance to Romanticism EN5117 Module
Women, Writing and Gender 2: Victorian to Contemporary EN5118 Module
Women, Writing and Representation in the Second World War EN4410 Module
Writing for Performance 1 EN5105 Module
Writing for Performance 2 EN5106 Module
Writing Poetry EN3217 Module
Writing Poetry 1 EN5004 Module
Writing Poetry and Prose EN4417 Module
Writing Poetry II EN5005 Module
Writing Prose EN4420 Module
Writing Prose 1 EN5006 Module
Writing Prose 2 EN5007 Module
Writing Scotland: Creative and Critical Approaches EN2902 Module
Writing the Pacific EN4435 Module
Writing Through Crisis: 21st Century Poetry and Prose EN3222 Module

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